The Archivists Against History Repeating Itself Collective works to connect, build, and support an international community of archivists (defined broadly) that share a vision of solidarity, justice, and activism against structural inequities. Through this collective, members work together to utilize means of remembering, interpreting, and commemorating our shared, intertwined and distinct stories of our pasts. We recognize that the past holds many keys to understanding ourselves, our various communities, and the environment in which we currently practice . As archivists we must call attention to the power our profession, practices, and institutions hold and have held for many years, but we also observe that that power is unevenly distributed  among ourselves, our work and personal communities, and our particular fields of practice. The collective commits to decentering previously dominant voices and norms and the recentering of historically ignored, undervalued, and underrepresented perspectives.

The following agreements outline the ways in which we seek to work together, respect each other, and hold ourselves and each accountable for the decisions, opinions, and actions we each take through the collective.

          • We recognize impact
          • We affirm differences
          • We remember our similarities
          • We believe in breaks for self care
          • We speak for ourselves and not for each other
          • We hold and make space for each other
          • We welcome others committed to similar principles
          • We listen with curiosity
          • We intentionally work to be understood
          • We empathize with others
          • We resist toxic practices
          • We name, challenge, and learn from mistakes


Discrimination and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes utilizing offensive words or actions related to race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, country of origin, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, veteran status or other protected class status; displaying discriminatory or offensive images; intimidation; stalking; use of unwanted photography or non-consensual recording; sustained disruption of conversation; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. If you engage in this kind of behavior, you may be asked to immediately excuse yourself from the room/community space/forum, online or offline.

If you cause harm—intentionally or not—against a member of our community you may also be asked to leave the Collective. However, we acknowledge that everyone is at a different place in their learning process and can grow from being held accountable for their actions. Therefore, collective members are encouraged to point out inappropriate or harmful actions during or after a group encounter. These “hold up” moments while direct should also be rooted in respect and care, and those called out/in are expected to listen to understand not listen to respond. It takes courage to challenge, explain, or ask for issues to be addressed, and these moments should be welcomed as an opportunity to grow. If further mediation is requested, the collective commits to working through the issues.

Through the agreements above, the collective works in a variety of ways both online and offline, in small groups or massive gatherings, through written or spoken word as well as other means of expression such as song or dance. These agreements lay the foundation on the ways we interact, respect, and engage with each other.